Last modified: February 12, 2025
Student Handbook
Welcome back to school!
We are thrilled to open the doors of Shoreline Middle School, your brana new: home for learning and growth. Whether you are returning as a proud Panther or joining us for the first time, we are excited to have you as part of our vibrant community.
At Shoreline Middle School, we believe in the power of the Panther Way, which guides everything we do As Panthers, we are
- Respectful: Treating each other with kindness and consideration, valuing the diverse perspectives that each of us brings.
- Responsible: Taking ownership of our actions and learning, striving to be the best versions of ourselves both in and out of the classroom.
- Compassionate: Showing empathy and understanding towards others, supporting our fellow
Panthers through challenges and celebrations. - Safe: Creating a secure and welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable to explore, take risks, and grow.
This year, we have many exciting opportunities and activities planned for you. From engaging lessons and innovative projects, to clubs, and after school events, there is something for everyone to enjoy and excel in. Our dedicated teachers and staff are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that you have the tools and guidance needed to succeed.
Remember, if you want to change the world, go to Shoreline! Our school is a place where big ideas are born, where creativity flourishes, and where each of you can make a significant impact. We encourage you to take advantage of the resources available, participate actively in your education, and challenge yourselves to reach new heights. At Shoreline Middle School, we help students become self-directed learners by encouraging them to take on challenges, choose the right tools, seek and act on feedback and view mistakes as learning opportunities. Students learn to understand their goals and the steps needed for success, empowering them to take control of their educational journey.
As we embark on this exciting journey together, let’s commit to embodying the Panther Way in all our actions. By being respectful, responsible, compassionate, and safe, we can create a positive and empowering community where everyone thrives.
Welcome back to school, Panthers! Let’s make this year at Shoreline Middle School unforgettable
With enthusiasm and Panther pride
Tommy Hirschi:
Principal, Shoreline Middle School
- Prepare educated, capable, responsible, caring, and contributing citizens through a partnership of home, school, and community.
- Cultivate a safe environment that nurtures cooperation, respect, and a desire to learn and achieve excellence.
- Work as a community of learners to meet the unique needs of preadolescents and create a bridge between elementary and secondary schools.
Where to Go for Assistance - Office Information
Administrative Office
- Anytime you are unsure where to go for help
- To report student life issues or concerns to a principal
- To report issues related to the law and harassment to the school SRO (police officer)
- To schedule appointments to meet with administration
- To request a locker, seek help with your locker and obtain your locker combination
- To call home on a school phone or your personal cell phone
- For lost and found questions
Financial Office
- To turn in fee waiver forms
- To pay fees/fines
- To request a receipt
- To purchase yearbooks
- To pay for field trips or activities
- To get answers to financial questions
Attendance Office
- To check a student in or out of school
- To turn in medically excused absence information
- To excuse absences within written notes (within five days of an absence)
- To obtain attendance updates
- To request the long term absence form when missing more than three (3) consecutive days of school
Counseling Office
- New student admissions, withdrawals, transcripts, or any information related to student
records-registrar. - Promotion credit, class scheduling, or for individual problems.
- To report a change of address or phone number. Shoreline policy requires a current street address and phone number for students.
Counseling Assignments
Last Names:
- A – F: Mr. Sekaquaptewa
- G – M: Dr. White
- N – Z: Mrs. Bradley
Important Dates
- Back to School Night – 4:00-6:00 pm – Aug 12
- School Picture Day/Vision Screening – Aug 29
- NO SCHOOL – Labor Day – Sept 2
- Early Out – Parent/Teacher Conference (1:30-7:30 p.m.) – Sept 17
- School Picture Retakes – Sept 25
- Career Day – Oct 2
- Term 1 Ends Fall Break – Oct 22
- Fall Break – Oct 17, 18, 21
- NO SCHOOL – P.D. District Wide – Oct 22
- Term 2 Begins – Oct 23
- College Week – Nov 11 – 15
- Thanksgiving Break – No School – Nov 27 – 29
- Early Out – Last Day Before Break – Dec 20
- Winter Break – Dec 23 – Jan 3
- NO SCHOOL – P.D. District Wide- Jan 6
- Term 2 Ends – Jan 6
- Term 3 Begins- Jan 7
- Martin King Jr. Day – No School – Jan 20
- Early Out – Parent/Teacher Conference (1:30-7:30 p.m.) – Feb 11
- President’s Day – No School – Feb 17
- NO SCHOOL – P.D. District Wide – Mar 14
- Term 3 Ends – Mar 14
- Term 4 Begins – Mar 17
- 7′ Grade Job Shadow Day (off campus) – Mar 28
- 8th Grade Day Reality Town (out at 11:00am) – Mar 28
- 6* Grade Day @ Dixon (11:00am – 1:00pm) – Mar 28
- Spring Break – No School Mar 31 – Apr 4
- Final Exams – May 19, 20
- Chromebook Return – May 21
- Field Day – Early Out @ 1:00pm – May 22
- Yearbook Day – May 23
- Class Work Ends – (out at 1:00) – May 23
- Term 4 Ends – May 23
Bell Schedule
School Wide Expectations
The Panther Way
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Compassionate
In the hallways, we do the following:
- Walk
- Use appropriate language
- Keep moving
- Use appropriate displays of affection
- Be calm and kind
In the bathrooms, we do the following:
- Go
- Flush
- Wash
- Quickly return to class
- See something, say something
In the commons, we do the following:
- Use inside voices
- Don’t eat or drink
- Sit only on the Panther landing
- Don’t throw things
- Use appropriate language
- Stay calm
In the auditorium, we do the following:
- Give presenter(s) our full attention
- Don’t have food, drink, or gum
- Don’t have phones out
- Clean up after ourselves
- Use seats and space appropriately
In the cafeteria, we do the following:
- Walk and wait our turn
- Do not throw things
- Clean up after ourselves
- Use appropriate and respectful language
- Are friendly and inclusive
- Check grades and attendance weekly for accuracy and immediately report discrepancies to the teacher
- Obtain a prior-approval form for extended absences from the Attendance Office, obtain administration and teacher signatures, and collect in advance any homework assignments
- Obtain from the teacher any work missed because of absenteeism
- Collect in advance work for planned absences (i.e., doctor appointments, extracurricular activities etc.)
If a student is physically unable to attend school for more than two weeks, Shoreline Middle School may facilitate home or hospital instruction, with the written recommendation of a physician
Reporting Absences
Students at Shoreline are expected to be in class and on time every day. If circumstances are such that you miss school, your parent/guardian needs to excuse you. Please call the school at (801) 374-4980 Ext. 2 or send a note to the attendance office to excuse the absence.
Doctor’s notes should be submitted for regular appointments (orthodontist, doctor, etc.) during school hours and for extended absences due to illness.
An absence will be marked unexcused if notification from home has not been received within five school days. A student will not receive credit for work that has been missed during an unexcused absence.
Excused & Unexcused Absences
Excused Absences
School attendance policy allows for a maximum of 5 parent excused absences per term. Family emergencies, illnesses and court dates, along with some extenuating circumstances are legitimate reasons for being absent or tardy as long as the school has been notified about these family emergencies. Extenuating circumstances regarding attendance will be considered on a case-by-case basis with 3 days prior approval from a school administrator. Parents should submit such requests in writing prior to the day of the absence.
Unexcused Absences
An unexcused absence, which may be from a single class or multiple classes, is one in which the school does not approve. Examples of absences, which are unexcused, include but are not limited to such reasons as: babysitting, oversleeping, going to the mall, working, or missing the bus or ride. An absence not properly reported by the parent or guardian is unexcused unless circumstances warrant otherwise. Students will not be allowed to make up work for days missed with an unexcused absence.
If you are ill in school, please follow these easy rules:
- Ask your teacher for a pink nurse hall pass
- You must report immediately to the student aide in the main office
- You will be allowed to go home if your parents are contacted and give their approval
- If your parents cannot be reached and you are not in an emergency situation, you will return to class. If you are too ill to return to class, provisions will be made for you to rest at school.
Note: School personnel cannot administer acetaminophen or ibuprofen without specific permission from a parent each time the medicine is to be given. Those are the only two over the counter medications we carry. Anything else would have to be with a doctor’s order per district policy.
Prior Approval For Extended Absences
Students who know they will miss school for an extended period of time may get prior approval for the absences. Students may pick up a pre-approved absence form in the attendance office to submit for approval. The student will be expected to complete assigned work, and will complete that work in a timeframe agreeable to the teacher of the missed class.
Excessive Absences
Provo School District considers absenteeism excessive when it significantly interferes with a student’s academic performance. Excessive absences include excessive tardies. We become very concerned anytime a student misses 3 days of school or 3 class sessions during one term or quarter and we haven’t heard from parents. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that students are not penalized for absences due to legitimate illness.
Class Attendance and Tardy Procedures
Being successful in school requires students to be in class and on time every day. A natural consequence of tardiness and/or other attendance problems is reduced academic performance and poor citizenship. Absences and tardies make it difficult for students to be successful in class. Students who are absent from class and/or arrive late miss out on important instruction and directions related to assigned work. Tardiness is a distraction to the classroom. All students are encouraged to be on time and prepared for each class
- There is a 5 minute passing period between each class
- Students reporting to school late must check in with the attendance office before going to class
- Tardy/Late: when a student arrives at a class after the tardy bell has rung
- Late Tardy: if a student arrives to class over fifteen (15) minutes late they will be marked as “late tardy”
- Tardy Absence: if a student arrives to class after more than one-half (½) of the total class has expired they will be marked “tardy absence” and is subject to the provisions of this policy for an unexcused absence unless properly excused. A tardy that results in a student arriving late to school may be excused by a parent/guardian for valid reasons comparable to excused absences
- Skipping/Cutting: a deliberate absence by a student’s own free will that is intentional, unjustified, and unauthorized, often identified when a student is found not in class or leaving campus without permission. Skipping or cutting class is considered an unexcused absence that generally may not be excused by a parent/guardian
- Truant: a condition in which a student is absent without a valid excuse for at least one-half (½) of the school day
- Unexcused tardies will be addressed in the following way
- 2nd Tardy: Student notified with a note
- 4th Tardy: Parents Contacted, Student Conference
- 6thTardy: Student Assigned 90 min Detention
- 7thTardy: Check In/Check Out Program
- Failure to complete the Check In/Check out program will result in continued 90 min detentions for every 2nd tardy.
Single Class Truant: A 90 min detention will be assigned for every class missed.
All Day Truant: Send home Utah Law regarding school attendance. In or out of school suspension possible. Phone call or meeting with parent(s), referred to conference with Counselor. For additional information regarding student attendance, please see Policy 3150 P1 at Attendance Policy and Resources under the Parent Essential section on the Provo City School District website.
Students who break school rules will receive consequences for their actions. The consequences are relative to the seriousness of the offense. Behavior problems that are minor in nature will be handled by a classroom teacher yet may result in additional consequences. Behavior problems that are more serious in nature may require administrative intervention.
Restorative Approach
At Shoreline Middle School we understand that our adolescent students are learning and growing. We are here to help them learn and grow through their adolescence in a positive environment.
Shoreline teachers are trained and encouraged to use positive strategies to minimize off-task and disruptive behaviors and help those students who need further support to leam and improve their behavior.
If a student continues to be off task, disruptive, or engage in behaviors that impede their learning or that of their peers they may be referred to the administration. When students are referred to the administration, administrators work to identify the challenges the student is facing. Administrators then work to help build skills with that student as well as identify consequences that are appropriate to help the student leam. Some of the typical practices used are counseling from a counselor or social worker, discussion with an administrator, Restorative Conferences, Check-in/Check-out plans, etc. These interventions will be used in conjunction with other consequences including detentions.
Lunch Detention
Students may be assigned to attend a lunch detention as a form of consequence for behavioral problems at school. Students are expected to come prepared to work on school assignments.
After School Detention
Students may be assigned an after school detention for 90 minutes. Students will be given restorative assignments during this time to help them learn from their mistakes or they may work on school work. Phones and other electronic devices will not be permitted.
School Service Hours
Students may be assigned to work after school or during lunch as a consequence for their behavior. Students will work under the direction of a staff member to complete any assigned service hours.
Students may be suspended from school as a disciplinary action. A suspension may result for any of the following reasons: not responding to multiple interventions to correct student behavior, safe school violations, gang activity, fighting, profanity, harassment or intimidation, continual disruptive behavior, vandalism, tagging, destruction of property, any unlawful act, truancy and excessive tardiness. An alternative placement may be considered if behavior problems continue after a suspension. A parent/administrator meeting will be required before any student returns from a suspension.
Note: School Administrators reserve the right to administer discipline and consequences in a manner that they deem appropriate based on investigation, previous behavior, mitigating circumstances, and subjective evaluation.
School Rules
At Shoreline Middle School we believe that everyone has the right to learn in a positive learning environment. Students have the right to learn and teachers have the right to teach without abusive or disruptive interruptions. Students are expected to be prepared to participate positively in each class during the school day.
Students will be more successful in class when they do the following; 1.
- Be in the assigned seat ready to work when class starts
- Bring paper, pencil, books and completed assignments everyday
- Keep hands, feet, books and objects to yourself
- Use kind and appropriate words and lift and encourage others
- Follow the teacher’s directions quickly
Included in our discipline plan are ways to positively reinforce students who follow these rules. In addition to frequent praise, we may choose to reward students with positive notes or phone calls to parents, Panther Payoffs, or special activities, etc.
Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to regularly attend all classes on time and work productively in order that teaching and learning may occur for all students. Each teacher establishes their own classroom plan, and informs students and parents with a disclosure document.
Appropriate Language
Students will be respectful of others and choose words, which are not verbally abusive. Do not use profanity or vulgar language
Public Display of Affection
Middle school students should not be kissing or excessively hugging other students in the school. A student will be given one warning and parents will be notified. Other consequences may be given as deemed appropriate by administration.
Respect of Authority
Students are expected to respect and obey the authority of school personnel. Showing defiance of school personnel by either word or act is unacceptable. Staff members of Shoreline are direct representatives of the principal. Their responsibilities include students within their classroom, as well as, all other students of the school. Requests made by any staff member to any student or group of students should be complied with immediately. Courteous compliance with such requests is essential to the overall success of the school. Resistance to or refusal to comply with reasonable requests by teachers, counselors, administrators, staff members or anyone responsible for school activities is unacceptable. Students who continue to be disruptive will be suspended and/or a parent/teacher/administrative conference will be held.
Respect for Self, Others, Property, and Learning
Respect for Authority
Students are expected to respect and obey the authority of school personnel. Showing defiance of school personnel by either word or act is unacceptable. Staff members of Shoreline are direct representatives of the principal. Their responsibilities include students within their classroom, as well as, all other students of the school. Requests made by any staff member to any student or group of students should be complied with immediately. Courteous compliance with such requests is essential to the overall success of the school. Resistance to or refusal to comply with reasonable requests by teachers, counselors, administrators, staff members or anyone responsible for school activities is unacceptable. Students who continue to be disruptive will be suspended and/or a parent/teacher/administrative conference will be held.
Respect for Self and Others
- I respect others, don’t bully or harass others
- I choose words and actions that do not verbally or physically abuse others
- I use school appropriate language
- I stay away from drugs, including tobacco
- I try to get along with other people, not acting in a defiant or rebellious manner
Respect for Property
- I take care of my own property
- I take care of the property of others, including the school and city around me
Respect for Learning
- I am in class unless officially excused
- I am on time to all of my classes
- I am prepared with materials, assignments and other required items
- I participate in class according to instructions given
Care of the Building, Vandalism, Weapons and Snowballs
Care of the Building
Every staff member and student is expected to take pride in our building and grounds. Please be a thoughtful citizen and pick up paper and other garbage when you see it, instead of walking by.
Vandalizing school property is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Full restitution will be required of those students who commit this offense. Parents will be contacted and referral to the school resource officer will be made. In-school or out-of-school suspension may also be used. Rewards may be offered to those who can assist in identifying students who have vandalized the school in any way.
Any item capable of causing death or serious bodily injury, or a facsimile or representation of the item. Dangerous weapons as defined by these rules shall include, but are not limited to: firearms, knives, metal knuckles, straight razors, explosives, poisons, drugs, etc.
Injuries can and do occur as a result of snowballs. Throwing snowballs is against the law. Students may be disciplined, fined, or referred to police, according to the safe schools policy.
Gangs/Hate Groups, Criminal Behavior, Drug-Free Zone and Safe School Policy
Gangs/Hate Groups
A group of two or more people who form an allegiance and engage in a range of disruptive behaviors that may include violent or unlawful activity or which advocate hatred or discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin or disability
Criminal Behavior
The administration at Shoreline is committed to maintaining a safe and orderly campus. Report all criminal activity immediately to the administration. The Provo District Safe School Policy covers issues regarding student misbehavior. Students involved in criminal behavior will be referred immediately to Shoreline’s on-campus police officer.
Drug-Free Zone
Shoreline is a Drug-Free School-Zone, which means drug laws are more strictly enforced than in other city “zones.” In addition to tough enforcement, the penalties and fines levied are larger. Shoreline administration works closely with the Provo Police Department, with a designated police officer assigned to Shoreline.
Safe School Policy
The standard in the Provo City School District is that every school be a safe place for each student to learn. This means that each school will have a positive learning environment free of violence, intimidation, or harm from individuals, groups, and gangs or from anything related to gang-type behavior, attitude or activity.
Tobacco, Nicotine and Prohibited Items
Tobacco and Nicotine
To protect students from the addictive substance of nicotine, and in conjunction with the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act, the Provo City School District Board of Education mandates that all employees and officers of the school district, and all members of the surrounding community, refrain from the use and or possession of tobacco products on school property at all times. “Tobacco” includes, but is not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, snuff, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, nicotine, e-cigarettes (Vape pens, mods and other similar devices) and other nicotine delivery devices, any chemical and/or device which simulates the same flavor and/or physical effect of nicotine substances and any other tobacco innovation. Use of and possession of such products by students is prohibited and illegal on district property at all times: buildings, grounds, parking lots, vehicles and all other district owned property. For more information see policy 7215 of the school district’s policies and procedures.
Prohibited Items
Nuisance items such as squirt guns, water balloons, laser pens, aerosol spray cans, rubber bands, etc. are not to be brought to school because they distract the educational process. Such items may be confiscated and may be picked up by a parent in the main office.
Electronic Devices
Electronic Devices
Students are discouraged from bringing electronic devices to school. Electronic devices, such as music players, iPods, iPads, cell phones, and electronic games may invite theft. The school will not be responsible for replacing lost or stolen items.
Cell Phones & Headphones
We realize that many parents send their students to school with a cell phone for use before and after school; however, students may not use cell phones during the school day. Cell phones and headphones disrupt the learning environment and are not necessary as there are phones in the main office, the counseling center, and in each classroom that may be used with permission. If parents need to communicate with a student, they can call the office so we can bring the student down or communicate a message to the student. Cell phones and headphones being used during the school day will be confiscated and students must meet with an administrator before it will be returned.
1st and 2nd offense- Phone/headphones can be picked up by the student in the front office. 3rd offense and all subsequent offenses- Adult on file must come to the Main Office to retrieve the device. 13If a teacher requires students to use headphones as part of a lesson they will be provided in class. Students will have no need to bring their own headphones to school to access any academic experience.
Dress Code
In order to maintain student safety, protect the learning environment and provide an opportunity for Shoreline students to dress for success, parents or guardians should oversee the appearance of their students. School personnel should not take exception to student apparel that is clean, safe, non-disruptive, and meets minimum clothing requirements.
Students are expected to dress appropriately for the setting and activity that will not take attention away from or disrupt the learning process. While we want our students to feel comfortable, confident, and able to express themselves, there are specific guidelines all students are expected to follow. Shoreline Middle School appreciates parent, guardian and student cooperation in efforts to make the Dress Code norms and their enforcement fair, balanced and gender-neutral.
- All students must wear clothing that is appropriate for the setting and activity. In addition:
- Undergarments must be covered at all times.
- See-through or mesh garments must be worn with appropriate coverage underneath.
- Any illegal, threatening, profane, or lewd content will not be allowed. For example, images or language that contain:
- Gang-related
- Weapons (as defined in Utah Code 76-10-501)
- Illicit drugs or alcohol
- Sexual content
- Violence
- Discrimination
- Profanity
The School Administration reserves the right to determine if an item of clothing does not meet the dress standards. Students violating the dress code will be asked to remove/fix the offending items or return home, with parent/guardian notification, to change their attire. For additional information regarding Student Dress Standards, please see 3224 P1 Student Dress Standards on the Provo City School District website.
First Offense
- Fix problem
- Review of Rules
Second Offense
- Review of Rules
- Fix Problem
- Parent notification
Third Offense
- Parent Notification
- Parents bring clothes from home to change into
Fourth Offense
- Admin review situation and decide on further action
- Consequences for Dress Code Violations
School administrators reserve the right to address and enforce dress code issues as they deem
Shoreline Middle School recognizes that bullying is an inappropriate behavior that has destructive and negative effects on individual students and on the overall climate of a school. Shoreline believes that all students are entitled to a safe and secure learning environment; bullying works against the achievement of that goal. Bullying is a behavior that should never be tolerated. It is important that teachers, students, and parents take a stand against all bullying behaviors.
Shoreline expects all students will refrain from becoming involved in any bullying behaviors. Failure to comply with these expectations will result in disciplinary action according to the established procedures. In addition, it is expected that all bystanders (third party witnesses) will refrain from supporting bullying behaviors in either an active or passive manner. In fact, it is further expected that bystanders will report the bullying incidents) to the designated authority.
- Report suspected bullying incidents to staff
- In cases of bullying, the incidents will be recorded in Powerschool and brought to the attention of the administration
- The severity and seriousness of the bullying will be assessed and the appropriate action taken. This may include the use of counseling practices, restitution, the loss of privileges, “No Contact Contracts”, interviews with parents and possible suspension from school
- If necessary and appropriate, the school will consult with any or all of the following: School Psychologist, Student Services and School Resource Officer
- An attempt will be made to help the person or people who are bullying change their behavior
- The person or people who are bullying may be asked to genuinely apologize and make restitution. Other consequences may take place as deemed necessary.
- If possible, the students will be reconciled.
- In serious cases, suspension or alternative placement will be considered.
- After the incident / incidents have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place.
Sexual Harassment
Federal law prohibits sexual harassment of any kind by students or employees of Provo School District. “Sexual Harassment is unwanted or unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is any act or comment (of a sexual nature), which makes another person feel uncomfortable. Schools are required by law to maintain an environment free from sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment takes many forms. Here are a few:
- Gender-offensive items, photos, posters.
- Inappropriate gestures, touching or grabbing.
- Sexual remarks, suggestions, or spreading rumors, offensive jokes, language, or teasing, whistles or catcalls.
- Pressure for unwanted activities or encounters.
In a school or work environment flirtation is most often inappropriate, but sexual harassment is always illegal.
What can you do?
- Say “STOP” Tell the harasser you do not like the behavior and you want it to stop.
- Tell someone: talk to a teacher, counselor, or principal.
- Keep records: If the behavior continues, write it down. Be sure to include dates, times, names, places, and witnesses.
- Take action: File a written complaint with the principal.
Grading and Citizenship
According to School Board Policy A, B, C, & D are passing grades.
- A =Above Proficient
- B =Proficient
- C=Basic competency
- D=Minimal competency
- I = Insufficient effort / no credit
Shoreline Grading Scale
- A = 93% and above
- A- = 90 – 92%
- B+ = 87 – 89%
- B = 83-86%
- B- = 80-82%
- C+ = 77-79%
- C = 73-76%
- C- = 70-72%
- D+ = 67-69%
- D = 63-66%
- D- = 60-62%
- I = 59% and below
PowerSchool partners with schools to improve the quality and effectiveness of education by empowering students, parents, and educators with real-time information, relevant assessment tools, and educational resources online.
Teachers record grades and attendance. This information is immediately available online to parents and administrators through a confidential login. Students get real-time access to academic progress so they know exactly where they stand. Parents/guardians can review grades, check attendance, and correspond through email with teachers (including receiving an automated weekly report on the student progress via email allowing them to take an informed and proactive role in their child’s education.
How to Access Powerschool
Using the Internet,
- Go to
- Click on PowerSchool
- Type in your student’s confidential student ID and password and click go. Your student’s confidential ID is their student number and the password is their birthday in this format– 2/6/93. (Slashes are needed and preceding zeros are not.) If you have questions you may call the Counseling Office. Once you login please change your password.
Progress Reports
Parents may request weekly progress reports from Powerschool. Parents may also request tracking or other interventions to assist their student. (See administration.) Formal parent teacher conferences will be scheduled twice per year. Parents desiring more frequent contact with teachers may make appointments through counselor’s or directly with teachers.
Citizenship Rubric
What is a citizenship grade? Let’s start by defining what a citizen is. A citizen is a member of a community, state, or nation.
Citizens have rights and responsibilities as family members, as students in a classroom and school, and as members of their community, state, and nation. Being a good citizen means: following rules and laws, and being responsible, respectful. compassionate, and safe. At Shoreline, a student’s citizenship grade is based on our school core values. The scale for how students will earn a citizenship grade at Shoreline is as follows.
O = Outstanding – The student helps others live the Panther Way, models the Panther Way, and suggests ideas for how we can improve our Shoreline community.
S = Satisfactory – The student consistently demonstrates the Panther Way on their own.
N = Needs Improvement – The student needs reminders for how to demonstrate the Panther \Wav
U = Unsatisfactory – The student often needs support to demonstrate the Panther Way.
Outstanding: Student demonstrates satisfactory and..
- Helps others when they notice a peer isn’t prepared to learn
- Asks questions to spark discussion and curiosity in others
- Reports unsafe situations to an adult
- Has a growth mindset and encourages others to have a growth mindset
- Acts on feedback.
Satisfactory: Student consistently does the following:
- Comes to class prepared to learn with proper materials
- Engaged int he learning
- Demonstrates self control and uses technology appropriately
- Listens and follows directions
- Uses school property appropriately
- Is kind and compassionate to themselves and others
- Demonstrates behavior that creates a safe environment for themselves and others
Needs Improvement:
- The student needs occasional reminders to help them achieve Satisfactory
- Isn’t prepared to learn
- Is disengaged from their learning
- Creates an environment where they can’t be successful and/or others can’t be successful
- Creates and unsafe environment
Cafeteria Procedures
Please walk to the cafeteria and wait your turn in line. The lunchroom will be as clean as you make it, be sure to take care of your trays and trash properly. The courtyard is also available for students to visit with friends during lunch.
School breakfast is served daily at 7:30 A.M. and may be purchased for $1.50 for students and $2.25 for adults. School lunch may be purchased daily for $2.50 for students and $4.25 for adults. Both breakfast and lunch can be purchased by the month, term, or semester. Payment of cash or checks made out to Shoreline Middle School should be paid in the cafeteria any day between 7:30 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. Students will not be allowed to charge their lunch account. Students must bring a lunch from home or bring money to pay for their lunch. Applications for free/reduced lunch and breakfast are available in the main office, or at the district office and need to be submitted every year. Online payments may be made at or through the app in the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Lunch periods are 30 minutes daily. Everyone at Shoreline Middle School has the right to eat lunch in a clean, safe environment. Students will be encouraged to use and demonstrate acceptable social manners while using the 17cafeteria facilities. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Students who choose to remain in the cafeteria for lunch are expected to remain seated at their tables until the bell rings to dismiss them to class. Every student is responsible to clean their tables and throw away their own garbage.
Lunch Menus are available at the Provo School District Child Nutrition Menus website below:
Other Important Items
Closed Campus Policy
Shoreline Middle School is a closed campus. Students are expected to remain in their assigned class during class periods, and on school property at all times during the school day. Any student leaving campus must be properly checked out by their parent or guardian through the attendance secretary. Once you arrive at school, you are required to stay on campus at all times during the school day (8:00 A.M. to 2:50 P.M. Monday – Thursday and 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. on Fridays and Early Dismissal Days).
Computer Usage and Fraud
Computers and iPads are used at Shoreline to assist in the educational process. Students may have access to computers and iPads as long as they follow the posted policies and/or requirements outlined in teacher disclosures. Students who violate computer policies will lose their computer privilege. (See “Appropriate Computer Use” Section)
Occasionally, every student may feel the need for extra support or help from the school staff. We have many understanding people and available programs that can help you get through any tough time. If you are stressed, frightened, bored, tired or just need somebody to talk with you about a problem or concern that you may have, please talk with someone on the staff. Your teachers, counselors, resource office, assistant principal, principal and other staff members are here to help you have a positive middle school experience.
Prescription Drugs/Medication
Students who must take prescribed medications during the day must have parents provide the school with a doctor’s note that includes dosage, storage instructions, and the original container/prescription bottle.
Students may then come to the health office for medication. The Health Clerk or Nurse logs medication given to students. Students are permitted to carry an inhaler or epinephrine pen if documented with a doctor’s note.
Bicycle, Rollerblade, Skateboard Policy
Bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, and other similar (including motorized) devices, are not permitted to be used on school property, whether school is in or out of session. Shoreline Middle School does not accept any liability for any loss or theft of these devices. Bicycles that are used as transportation to and from school by students are to be kept on bicycle racks on the Northeast side of the building. Students are responsible for locking and securing their bikes as Shoreline Middle School will not be responsible for stolen or damaged property.
Skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, and other devices used by the students as transportation to and from school are the responsibility of the student to keep locked in his/her locker or on the bicycle rack. If students choose to rollerblade or skateboard to school, they must be stored in the designated areas. If students fail to secure their skateboards or rollerblades in a locker before the first period begins (or upon arrival if tardy to school), those items will be confiscated and students will lose the privilege to bring them to school for the remainder of the school year.
Emergency Evacuations
In the event of an emergency, students will evacuate the buildings under the direction of their current teacher, then line-up for roll call and further instructions on the North lawn with your Homeroom Teacher and Homeroom class (2nd Period).
Enrichment Opportunities
School Activities that provide additional opportunities for gifted and/or motivated students to further develop include:
- Band
- Orchestra
- Choral Concerts
- School Plays
- Student Talent Assembly
- Reflections Contest–PTA,Ballroom Dance Performances
- School Dances, Spelling Bee
- Science Olympiad
- School Geography Bowl, etc.
In addition to regular class offerings, we offer classes designed to enrich and provide more advanced instruction to meet individual student needs and interests in Art, Music, Drama, English, Math, Foreign language, Technology, Service, and Leadership
Honors Activities
We want to recognize and encourage the achievements of students. Honors activities will be held for those students who excel, achieve, and improve academically.
Lockers and Personal Valuables
A locker may be available for a student upon parent request. Those requests may be made at the start of the school year. More information will be sent in our parent newsletter for interested families. Lockers are for storing personal belongings and should not be used for storing money or other valuables. To help ensure safekeeping of personal property, students are encouraged to keep the lock combination confidential. Additionally, do not store the property of others in your locker. We will not open your locker for anyone other than your parent/guardian to retrieve items from there. The locker remains the property of Shoreline and may be subject to inspection by the school administration at any time. The school will not be responsible for theft from any locker.
Lost and Found
Lost and found articles will be collected in the lost and found cabinet under the South East staircase. Students who have lost or misplaced items may check the lost and found to recover these items. Lost articles that are not claimed within a reasonable time will be donated to charity. The Shoreline Administration will work closely with the school resource officer to recover lost or stolen items. Owners must accurately identify lost items in order to reclaim them.
Media Center
The library is open from 7:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Students may use the library individually, with scheduled classes, or in small groups with permission of their teacher or with a library pass. Students do not need a pass to use the library before and after school. The library media center is to be used for reading, checking out books, studying, research and media production.
It is the policy of the Provo City School District and its institutions not to discriminate on the basis of race or nationality origin, sex, or handicap in any educational program, service, or activity. Information regarding the grievance procedure for addressing possible concerns may be obtained from school administration.
Parent Teacher Association
Shoreline PTA improves opportunities for youth, improves communication, and increases teamwork between students and parents. Parents are encouraged to join PTA. For more information, reach out to
Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
These are scheduled-two times per year: 1:30 to 7:30 p.m. – see “Dates to Remember” page. Notification will be sent to parents prior to these dates.
Student Recognition
All school personnel may use Panther Payoffs to recognize students who perform praiseworthy deeds around the school. Examples of praiseworthy deeds might include: Cleaning up in the classroom, picking up trash in or around the school, returning a lost item, assisting with an activity, contributing to class discussions…. etc. When given to a student the teacher will write the student and teacher’s name on the slip. Students will use these slips to purchase snacks and other items from the school store.
Bus Transportation
Students may be provided with bussing service as defined by the Provo City School District. Visit the bus stop website at or call them at 374-4860 for more information. Transportation by bus is a privilege. Inappropriate behavior may result in a suspension or termination of bus privileges.
An activity bus is available to take students home from after-school activities. Students who do not participate in the school sponsored after school activities will not be permitted to ride the bus.
Buying or Selling
No personal or commercial items are to be bought or sold without the consent and approval of the principal’s office. Items will be confiscated without consideration for monetary loss.
We encourage parents to visit your child’s school. Your interest, support, and encouragement are demonstrated by your presence, and involvement. Come see what your students can accomplish. *Students from other schools will not be allowed to attend classes with Shoreline students because of liability concern.
Acceptable Video Use Policy
Videos are used in Provo City School District to support and illustrate teaching concepts through face-to-face instruction. Their use should have an educational purpose, be appropriate to the intended audience age level, and be directly linked to the curriculum taught in the classroom.
No video or video segments may be shown which contain profanity; graphic blatant, or gratuitous sexuality; or extensive, unnecessary, or gory violence. Any full-length showing of a video requires administrative approval. No R-rated videos may be shown in part or whole, edited or unedited. Parental disclosure is required for any video with a PG or PG-13 rating.
Parental Disclosure
When parental disclosure is required, the teacher must notify parents of films to be used in class. Such notification shall be in writing and may be included in the annual disclosure statement or in writing at least five school days ahead of the film’s viewing.
Parental Exclusion
Students whose parents have objected to student viewing of a video will be accommodated by the teacher in ways that are not punitive to the child, that remove the child from the viewing area, and that provide a meaningful learning experience during the time of exclusion. No academic penalty may be given to students for missing a film due to parental exclusion.
Acceptable Computer System Use Policy
Provo School District and Shoreline provide Network Services to its students and employees. Network services includes all computer hardware, network and Internet services and associated software. The Internet is a very effective tool to introduce students to the global nature of information and to share information in a variety of ways. With increased access to computers and people all over the world, there is also increased access to controversial material that may not be of educational value in the context of the school setting. Provo School District and Provo High School reserve the right to:
- Monitor and track the use of Network Services
- Suspend or revoke privileges and take appropriate disciplinary action for unacceptable use of the Network Services
- Implement filtering software on the network to monitor Internet use and access
Provo School District and Shoreline firmly believe that the valuable information and interaction available on the Internet far outweighs the risks of users obtaining material that is not consistent with the educational goals of the district and/or school. Access to Network Services will be provided to students and staff who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. General school rules for behavior and communications apply as does Provo School District’s Character Development statement. The use of Network Services is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges and possibly other disciplinary or legal actions including criminal prosecution, suspension, expulsion or termination of employment. The following activities are not permitted:
- Sending, displaying, or accessing offensive messages or graphics
- Using obscene or vulgar language
- Harassing, insulting or attacking others
- Damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks
- Violating copyright laws
- Using another person’s password
- Trespassing in others’ folders, work or files (School officials may monitor student or staff folders, work or files without permission or notice.)
- Intentionally disrupting the system or wasting resources in any way (such as disk space or printing capacity)
- Using the Network Services for illegal or commercial purposes (business transactions)
- Using the equipment in any way that is inconsistent with individual classroom policies
- Students using the equipment without staff permission and supervision. Individual classrooms may add an attachment to the Acceptable Computer System Use Policy which supports the terms of this policy but also meets the classroom’s unique needs.
General Guidelines for Network Services Users
Communications on computer networks are usually public in nature and privacy cannot be guaranteed, even for personal messages. Therefore users should:
- Not include personal addresses, pictures of self, phone numbers, location of school, and personal financial information in network communications
- Give notice immediately to a parent, teacher or system administrator if they encounter materials, which violate the rules of appropriate use, or if the messages or files sent to them contain threats, sexual references, or if they make them feel uncomfortable
- Never agree to get together with someone they meet “online” without first getting permission from their parent or guardian
- Not divulge their password to another person
I understand that using Network Services within the Provo City School District is a privilege and not a right. My use of this privilege may be suspended or revoked by the school at any time if I do not follow the terms of the district and individual school Acceptable Computer System Use policies. I agree to keep my password confidential and to properly log off the computer before leaving my workstation. I will never let anyone else use my account.
As a condition of my use of the Network Services, I have read and will comply with the terms and conditions stated in the Acceptable Computer System Use Policy for Provo City School District. I understand disciplinary action will be taken if I violate this agreement.