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Provo City School District

Shoreline Middle School

Last modified: February 18, 2025

School Fees Notice for Families of Students in Grades 7 12

Utah law permits schools to charge fees in grades seven through twelve.

A student may be charged fees for participation in school classes, activities and programs. A student cannot be requested or required to pay any fee unless that request or requirement has been approved by the local Board of Education and included in the school or district fee schedule.

Utah law requires schools that charge fees to ensure that a fee waiver or other provisions in lieu of a fee waiver is available to any student whose families are unable to pay a fee.

Fee Definition

A fee is defned as something of monetary value that is requested or required by a school for a student to be able to participate in an activity, class, or program that is provided, sponsored, or supported by a school, charter school, or district. This request or requirement can also be implied. Meaning that if something is not required for participation, but there is still an expectation for the student to have that item, it becomes a school fee. Below are some examples of fees:

  • Registration fees
  • Truancy fines
  • Participation fees
  • Costs of class or team trips (including room, board, and meals)
  • After-school program fees
  • Entrance fees for school concerts or games
  • Football summer clinic costs
  • Instrument rentals

Charges for class rings, yearbooks, school pictures, letter jackets, and similar items are not fees and need not be waived. Also, if a student loses or damages school property, the costs of replacement or repair are not fees and need not be waived.

Students may be required to pay fees for concurrent enrollment courses or advanced placement exams. The portion of the fees related specifcally to college or post-secondary grades or credit is not subject to fee waiver. However, the College Board ofers a reduction in these costs for those who are eligible.

Fee Waivers

A student is eligible for a waiver if:

  • their family receives TANF funding or SNAP (food stamps or state Family Employment Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program);
  • the student receives SSI (Supplemental Security Income);
  • the student is designated McKinney-Vento;
  • the student is in foster care;
  • the student is in state custody
  • the student is eligible based on family/household income (the levels match those of free lunch eligibility).

A fee waiver is a full release from the requirement to pay a fee. If a student is eligible for fee waivers, all fall feesees must be wmust be waivaiveded. If it is not specifically addressed in state law, a school must waive all fees, including anywhere a student’s participation is optional. This means that those students who are eligible for a fee waiver can participate in any school class or activity free of charge.

* A student may also be eligible for fee waivers if they do not meet any of these standards but are still unable to pay a fee. Please see the local school or district policy for more information.

Fee Waivers continued

If a student wishes to apply for fee waivers, they will be asked to provide documentation of fee waiver eligibility as part of the application process.
To apply for a fee waiver, a student may submit the “Fee Waiver Application (Grades 7-12)”. A copy of the application is included with this notice and additional copies may be obtained from the school office, or the state school fees website listed at the end of this document. Once the documents have been submitted to the school, the fee requirement will be suspended until a final decision has been reached about the student’s eligibility for fee waivers.

If the application is denied, the school will send a “Decision and Appeal Form”. The form will explain why the application was denied and how to appeal the decision.

Remember to always keep a copy. If an appeal for a denial of fee waivers is submitted, all fees will not need to be paid until the appeal is decided.

Donations, Confidentiality, and Enforcement of Fees

School funds are limited, and a school may need help in addition to fees. As a result, the school may ask for tax-deductible donations of school supplies, equipment, or money, but the school cannot require donations.

A students name is confidential and cannot be disclosed to anyone lacking both a right and a need to know the information, regardless of whether a student has paid fees, donations, and contributions or not, or has applied
for, received, or been denied waivers. The school may, however, with the consent of the donor, give appropriate recognition to any person or organization making a major donation or contribution to the school.

The school and school staff cannot withhold, reduce, or enhance grades or credit, or withhold grades, class schedules, credit, report cards, transcripts, or diplomas to enforce the payment of fees.
